Italian Oregano

Plant Specifications

Oreganum oregano (sp) Full Sun. Hardy Perennial. Height: 24”
A Spreader. Needs well drained, moist soil, but can handle dryer conditions.
Most popular culinary oreganos to cook with.

In the Garden

Italian Oregano is a rapidly growing herb that needs routine pruning to inhibit invasive growth.
It requires a well drained soil and full sun. Just like other types of Oregano, be sure to not overwater your plant. As temperatures get hotter, Italian Oregano will begin to flower and this is the time that the flavor of the leaves is the strongest. It is relatively low growing and regular pruning will promote new growth and a bushier plant.

Plant Uses

It is primarily a culinary herb that is essential to Italian, Mexican, and Greek cooking. Use it in tomato sauces, on meat, fish, and vegetables. The reason Italian Oregano is our best seller is because it has the best flavor. It’s not too spicy and doesn’t have the same bitterness that you will find in other types of oregano. The leaves can be dried by cutting the stems, hanging them upside down,
and then rubbing the leafy stems together between your hands to crumble the leaves.
Leave the stems intact and discard.